Why you should join DailyInternship network?

Participate to events sponsored by DailyInternship around Europe

Partner with our clients to organise meaningful activities in your campus

Gain exposure for your association engaging with the DailyInternship community

Join our network to give your associates a value adding service to boost their career
Some of our partner associations:
Bocconi Starting Finance

Milan, Italy

Bocconi University


BSF has been founded in 2018 by a heterogeneous group of Bocconi students with the clear objective of introducing finance to a wider audience. The association is part of Starting Finance, a congregation of university clubs with over 25k likes on Facebook.
Why should you contact them?
You have the possibility of freely getting in touch with top-tier students from one of the best European university

JELU Consulting

Rome, Italy

Luiss Guido Carli Univeristy


JELU Consulting is a junior enterprise managed exclusively by students of Luiss Guido Carli University. The association is a no-profit and it has been funded in 2016. The main goal of our junior enterprise is to give different professional skills to the associates in order to prepare them for the job market.
The associates are remunerated with training on the job and extra-academic courses given organized with partners and advisors.
JELU offers consulting services, as marketing plans, social media marketing management, business plan redaction, financial statement analysis and many others, to SMEs and Startups.
Why should you contact them?
JELU Consulting is composed of highly motivated students that share the passion for hard work and new way of doing business. Our consultants receive different training sessions during the years and they already have a working mindset before getting the degree. Overall, JELU represents an excellent partner for companies searching highly talented workers.

60 members
ESCP Europe Finance Society


ESCP Europe


The ESCP Europe Finance Society is the largest and most active student association of the London Campus of the ESCP Europe Business School, it has been founded in 2012 and is composed by students interested in the Finance Industry. All the founders and managing members have had internship experiences in the industry. The aim of the Society is to help ESCP Europe students to break into the Finance Industry, organising dedicated networking events, and providing useful materials to support the application and interview process.
Why you should you contact them?
ESCP Europe Finance Society represents a unique network. Different cultures, different backgrounds, different skills... but a common voice!



Nova SBE


UNItaly was created with the aim of building a bridge that links together Italian and international students from a professional, educational and personal level. It addresses specifically Bachelor and Master students who seek opportunities to enlarge their network and acquire further knowledge for both personal and professional growth. UNItaly focuses on creating connections between students of all nationalities who are interested in business-related matters.
Why you should you contact them?
Italian companies may contact UNItaly in order to organize school events and networking events in the Lisbon area.

Why you should join DailyInternship network?

Participate to events sponsored by DailyInternship around Europe

Partner with our clients to organise meaningful activities in your campus

Gain exposure for your associations engaging with the DailyInternship community

Join our network to give your associates a value adding service to boost their career
NOVA Start Up Club


Nova SBE


Founded in 2011, Nova Startup Club (former CEO Club) is the official entrepreneurship club of Nova School of Business and Economics in Lisbon. It integrates a team formed by master and bachelor students. It was built to foster the entrepreneurship among university students and the youngest layers of our society supported by students and mentors, who contribute with their soft skills, experience and networking to the development of the project. Idealized by an ambitious team, the club aims to facilitate the path behind start-ups creation and implementation by providing to members access to entrepreneurial resources and crucial network and partners carefully selected to enable business development and progress.​
Why you should you contact them?
To have a direct contact with one of the best business Schools in Europe.
To promote and give visibility to your business.
Also, a great channel to attract talents to your startup.

UniCatt Financial Analysts

Milan, Italy

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


UniCatt Financial Analysts is an Official Student Association of Catholic University of Milan, born in June 2016.
UCFA’s Team is composed by students of Bachelor and Master degree from the University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, which have the same interest for financial disciplines.
The organization chart is based on a simple vertical structure divided in three main divisions:
- Global Markets (FX, Fixed Income, Equity);
Corporate Finance (M&A);
Human Resources & Communication.
UCFA aims to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical experience, by providing practical business education, mentoring and networking opportunities.
Why should you contact them?
Our associates are extremely motivated, goal oriented and passioned.
Try us!

46 members

Milan, Italy

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


JECatt is a non profit association who provides consultancy services. Our members are chosen among the best students of the Catholic University in Milan. Our services are focused on business development, strategy, web marketing and legal advice.
Why should you contact them?
Because we are a competitive team of students that can count on a wide set of skills and knowledge developed on the books and through our path in JECatt, with which we can provide the best service for the growth of our customers.

51 members
Junior Enterprise Trento (JETN)

Trento, Italy

University of Trento


JETN is a non-profit associated aimed at reducing the gap between the acadaemic and professional world by offering strategy services as well as business modeling, social media marketing and events organization. In doing so, JETN relies exclusively on university students, motivated to apply and implement what has been learned during the academic process, in a work context.
Moreover, JETN belongs to the JADE network which is composed by over 280 Junior Enterprises and 20,000 students in 15 European countries with the aim to promote the movement of Junior Enterprises to institutions and companies, to stimulate the development of the Junior Initiatives in the territory and to facilitate collaboration and the exchange of experiences among the existing ones.
Why should you contact them?
JETN means relying on highly motivated people. Furthermore, through its skills of innovation, professionalism and quality, proposes the most suitable tailor-made solution. JETN supports and assists its customers in such a way that they are able to satisfy their needs and guarantee the goal's achievement

43 members

Vicenza and Padova, Italy

University of Padova


JEst is the Junior Enterprise of the University of Padua. It is a non profit organisation, solely composed and directed by university students. Its mission is to abate the gap between the academics and the working world, by letting its associates to empower their potential, learning by doing and developing cross-functional competences. It is a dynamic environment in which JEst's associates work at consulting services and develop innovative solutions in cooperation with relevant companies and institutions.
Why should you contact them?
JEst is mainly focused in project management. It offers training simulation cases in the fields of Project Management, Risk Management and Lean Production. Moreover it organises events in which outstanding students can express themselves and impress big companies to be hired.

61 members

Verona, Italy

University of Verona

JEBV is the acronym for Junior Enterprise Business Verona: it is a no-profit organization with headquarter based in Verona (Italy) and it's composed and run exclusively by universities students, which provide high quality services for companies and institution. Our main goal is to deliver high-quality projects to the market, developing the entrepreneurial mindset of our members with new challenges. We constantly seek highly personalised solutions for our clients who need support services in corporate management, IT, marketing and communication.
Why should you contact them?
Motivation and business acumen drive our associates, who aim at applying their theoretical background and strive to achieve meaningful results for our customers through cohesive teamwork and continuous professional education.

29 members

JEBO - Junior Enterprise Bologna

Bologna, Italy

University of Bologna

Founded in 2016 JEBO is the Junior Enterprise of the University of Bologna. The association is a non-profit that is managed entirely by students who improve their soft skills through teamwork and problem solving during projects. Following the motto "learning-by-doing" our entrepreneurs drastically reduce the gap between academia and the business environment.
JEBO provides consulting services to StartUps and SMEs such as: management consulting, business and marketing plans, market analysis and event management.
Why should you contact them?

Our associates are called junior entrepreneurs: we are driven hard working individuals accustomed to the working world with the competitive advantage of a fresh approach to the business industry.

19 members

Florence, Italy

University of Florence


Established in Florence, JEFLO is a non-profit organization which belongs to the network of Junior Enterprises. Founded in 2016 and still handled by students who attend the University of the Studies of Florence, the main goal concerns advising services towards every kind of companies. The associates are remunerated with training on the job and with the development of important soft skills that will help them in their future jobs.
As for the type of services offered, it ranges over Business plans drafting to marketing plans
Why should you contact them?
JEflo is composed of well prepared and motivated guys who have the common goal of being able to put into practice what they have learned on the books through the experience on the field. Along the time our associates receive different training sessions in order to improve and develop their skills. JEflo can be a young and enterprising alternative for companies that need a youthful and more dynamic vision.

22 members
EDHEC BBA Junior Consulting

Lille, France

EDHEC Business School


EDHEC BBA Junior Consulting is the Junior-Enterprise of the Bachelor program of EDHEC Business School. For more than 10 years, EJC supports companies in their projects thanks to the expertise of its members in the areas of Audit, Finance, Strategy, Marketing and Communication. Member of the network of Junior-Enterprises, EJC carries out studies corresponding to the fields of competence of EDHEC, and it for very varied customers. The structure is supported by a high quality teaching profession. With a customer satisfaction rate of 98% and 24 requests processed each year on average, EJC has a proven track record in the professional world. Combining professionalism, dynamism and efficiency, EDHEC BBA Junior Consulting will accompany you in your projects. Together, let's have the audacity to propel your business !
Why should you contact them?
By appealing to our Junior-Entreprise, our clients benefit from the responsiveness and dynamism of a team of proactive young entrepreneurs, in tune with the new challenges of the world of today and tomorrow.

35 members
Iuris FDUP Junior




Iuris FDUP Junior is an association founded in 2008 in the Law School of University of Porto with the aim to cover the loopholes of the Law degree course. Its goal was to provide its students and associates with the practical skills that classes lacked. In 2017 it got to a peak of growth big enough to ask for the status of junior enterprise, a status that has been honoured in the past year, having been nominated to a prize by JADE Portugal. Nowadays, its core business is event organization, going from big events organized in partnership with big companies, to students focused brief courses and also helping other junior enterprises to organize their own events.
Why should you contact them?
Iuris FDUP Junior is 10 year organization that has built a solid base in the past few years. Our work is fairly recognized way beyond the borders of our university, and even our country, since we've been working on going abroad.

30 members
Cattolica Global Markets

Milan, Italy

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Cattolica Global Markets Magazine, as the first Cattolica students' magazine on Finance, aims to provide an international exposure on the various and complex dynamics that influence global markets.
Why should you contact them?
We are Bright, team-focused, smart and ahead of our peers

7 members
JECA - Junior Enterprise Cagliari

Cagliari, Italy

Università di Cagliari


The Junior Enterprise of Cagliari - JECA is a non-profit organization founded in 2015 at the University of Cagliari, our mission is to reduce the gap between the academic and working world, through the realization of projects and support services to businesses. We are convinced that in a context characterized by strong competitive pressure and a high degree of uncertainty, the contribution of innovative ideas from new generations can be the key to success
Why should you contact them?
JECA is made up of young, well-trained and motivated people who will find the right answers to every question that will be asked

12 members
ISCTE Junior Consulting




Portuguese junior enterprise founded in 2010, managed only by students of ISCTE-IUL, with three main strategic activities: Consulting, Research and Development. Some of the consulting services offered are Business planning, Market research and Marketing planning.
Why should you contact them?
We are attentive, committed and motivated partners to grow with each experience. We focus our attention on the results of our clients and the development of their business, with the full conviction of our ability to contribute in a very positive way.

69 members


Polytechnic of Turin


JEToP is the Junior Enterprise of the Polytechnic of Turin, established in 1995. Our Core Business lies in software, hardware and App development. Nonetheless, we offer our customers other services too; some instances are social media marketing strategies and management, graphic design, business analysis and development and events organisation. Over the years, JEToP has been awarded several prizes, proving its impeccable professional accomplishments. Some examples are the “Medaglia dell’alto Patronato della Presidenza della Repubblica” and the award of “Most Innovative Project of Europe”. JEToP associates are constantly seeking new challenges, fostering an entrepreneurial mindset and acquiring those skills that are more and more demanded by the Job Market, and yet not delivered by Universities.
Why should you contact them?
Because our team is highly selected and motivated. Once they are chosen, each and every associate follows a selection of targeted and optimised trainings. Relying on their academic skills and on the support of Alumni, Professionals and Senior associates, they guarantee the most suitable solution, meeting their clients’ always higher quality standards.

81 members
Bocconi Students for Digital Consulting


Bocconi University


BS-Digital Consulting’s aim is to provide students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the field of digitalization. BS-Digital Consulting objectives are to:
• Make students aware of the importance of the digitalization phenomenon
• Create a network between students, experts in the sector, and employers
• Organize events and build partnerships with other associations, both local and international
• Provide consulting proposals in the digital field
Why should you contact them?
Bocconi Students for Digital Consulting is open to partnerships with companies all around the globe. You can contact us for free consulting services in the field of digitalization. You can also contact us to speak in one of our events held at Bocconi University in Milan.

20 members


Politecnico di Milano


JEMP stands for Junior Enterprise Milano Politecnico: a student no-profit organization that provides consultancy services to companies and startups, mainly working within the economic, IT and design fields. Active since 2014 and listed onto Politecnico Album of Student Associations since 2016, JEMP's goal is to train its Associates through the "learning by doing" method: all the projects and activities for the internal Areas (Audit, Sales, HR and Network) are an opportunity to put academic knowledge into practice and developing a Junior Entrepreneur's soft skills.
Why should you contact them?
Thanks to its team of best-selected students from Politecnico di Milano, JEMP can help any company in designing personalized solutions with fresh and innovative ideas.

37 members
JEBS Consulting


Università degli studi del Sannio


JEBS Consulting is a no-profit association structured as a company operating in the field of business consulting since 2012. Jebs Consulting's mission is to provide strategic consulting and professional marketing services at a low-cost, thanks to the work of a specialized team of students, to support Startups and companies for the development of their business.
Why should you contact them?
To have professionalism,and young people who think smarter and with a great sense of proactivity.

32 members


Università degli studi di Parma


JEParma was founded on April 17, 1996. It is a Junior Enterprise, a non-profit association organized as a real company, founded and run by students of economics and engineering driven by a strong spirit of entrepreneurship.
Our "mission" is to reduce the gap between the university and the world of work and put into practice what is learned during the course of studies. This experience allows for growth both at a professional and at a human level, especially because it allows you to relate with teachers, entrepreneurs and professionals.
The role of the team is important, since the various projects are focused on team working, which allows to enhance all points of view, comparing and optimizing the choices thanks to the contribution of each individual member of the group.
Why should you contact them?
JEParma is a consolidated reality on the territory able to combine professionalism with a different and innovative approach.

10 members


Università Degli Studi di Milano

Consulting, Communication,
Marketing, Digital

JECoMM - Junior Enterprise Communication & Marketing Milano is a no-profit organization which aims to give students the opportunity to put into practice what they learn during classes.
At the same time JECoMM is really helpful to other companies and business because of its low prices, fresh and innovative ideas of its associates and high quality of the services offered. Our services range from the Event Planning (along with event's Social Media Coverage) to the Social Media Marketing.
Why should you contact them?
Fresh ideas in communication. Low prices. Commitment in our job. We are the best choice for a company that need innovative ideas and communication strategies.

27 members
Associação de Engenharia
e Gestão Industrial de Aveiro


Universidade de Aveiro


AEGIA is the association of industrial engineering and management of Aveiro that represents both the students and the engineers of industrial management. Our goal is to improve the personal and professional development of our associates by providing a wide range of activities.
Why should you contact them?
AEGIA is the perfect bridge between the professional and the academic world, we work every day to improve that we offer to our associates, from courses, workshops, sports and cultural events that allow all our members to foster a continuous improvement of their soft and hard skills. We form through associativism.

300 members
Luxury Society

Paris, London, Turin, Berlin

ESCP Europe


Luxury Society (LS) is a students’ society entirely managed by ESCP students who strongly believe in the value that can be created by having a direct contact with the luxury sector.
Our goal is to facilitate students’ entrance in the luxury industry and also to make them understand how both the selection and recruitment process work.
Why should you contact them?
In order to meet the most proactive and smart students of our university; to commit us projects/partnerships.

60 members
Junior Enterprise Sicilia


Università degli Studi di Palermo


Junior Enterprise Sicilia is an association that operates in the market of small and medium-sized businesses in the Sicilian territory and is made up of university students. Our goal is to reduce the gap between the academic world and the world of work. How do we do it? Offering innovative consulting services to Sicilian entrepreneurship with very competitive costs compared to the market. The associates will have practical work experience and the companies that receive the consultancy will have an added value at very low costs.
Why should you contact them?
We are trained in innovative consulting services and we offer this at very competitive prices.

25 members
JEMIB - Junior Enterprise Milano Bicocca


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca


JEMIB - Junior Enterprise Milano Bicocca is the Junior Enterprise of Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy).
We are members of JADE and JADE Italia, respectively the European and Italian confederation of Junior Enterprises.
JEMIB is a no-profit association where students apply their knowledge to provide various consulting services to startups and enterprises, due to improve their proficiency learning by doing.
Why should you contact them?
In order to meet the most proactive and smart students of our university; to commit us projects/partnerships.

40 members
TSE Junior Etudes


Toulouse School of Economics


TSE Junior Etudes is a Junior Entreprise, a student non-profit association, functioning like a consulting firm in economics, statistics, finance, big data and legal information. Its goal is to permit students to apply their theoretical knowledge learned in school at the firms and institutions services. We help the school students to discover and learn by doing their future jobs.
Why should you contact them?
TSE Junior Etudes students are tomorrow new talents, and future leaders. Our members provide high quality projects to our clients, in diverse economic, statistic, and legal fields, and in return, the school students have the opportunity to grow their entrepreneurial mindset.

26 members
LFC Luxury


LUISS Guido Carli

Global Luxury Goods Industry

LFC Luxury was founded in 2018 as a specific department of LFC Finance Club aimed at the luxury goods and services market in the broadest sense.
It acts as a link between students and the main players in this market with lectures, networking events and company visits.
Why should you contact them?
Each activity is designed with an organisation team focussed exclusively to that project.
Students participating in the project are always selected according to the specific requirements agreed with the company.

200 members

Reggio Emilia

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Logistics, Marketing, ICT,
Business Process Engineering

JEmore, founded in 2017, is the Junior Enterprise of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
We work in logistics, process engineering, economy and marketing’s fields by providing consulting services to companies and start-ups.
Our team is composed by young students who identify a problem like an opportunity. We support parallel growth paths to that outlined by academic teaching, encouraging the research of professional identity.
Why should you contact them?
With our team's support, companies can do R&D differently since students are not bounded by any corporate organizational structure and they are able to develop specific and innovative solutions for each of our customers.

15 members
Invenicement ETS


Ca'Foscari University of Venice

Finance, management, education

Invenicement is the first Financial & Business Club of Ca‘Foscari University of Venice, a platform through which students interested in the field of finance and business can integrate their specific knowledge and get personally involved through the various proposed initiatives that students themselves will propose and contribute to achieving.
Why should you contact them?
For our stregnth in the campus and our student network